Training in Iten means embracing the lifestyle of the best runners of the world. This involves deep recovery processes and activities to entertain the mind between the trainings.
Our camp provides everything you need to make your inbetween training some fun moments.
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High-speed wifi:
Our camp is fully equipped with high-speed wifi, offering you a surfing speed of 80 Mbps in optimal conditions. This is actually the fastest available speed in Iten, and it allows our guests to work from Iten, watch movies and even make some online conferences abroad.

Our 75 inches TV is placed in our restaurant, and allow our guests to watch inspiring running content all day long, as well as watching live events such as major marathons. More than 40 people can confortably seat in the dining to enjoy such moments.

Running library:
Several books related to sport are available in our library, in English, French, Spanish and about various topics such as physical and mental preparation, traveling in Kenya and documentaries.
There, you can also find some society games which are usually used by our guests at night, after the Dinner.

Table tennis, badminton & volley:
Thanks to our removable net, it is easy to practise badminton as well as volleyball within our compound. Most of the guests also frequently play table tennis for some tournaments.